The Story

Breton based Celtic harpist Alan Stivell describes “eunn Douar (one Earth)” as revealing “a world of paradoxes, where similarities are as powerful as contrasts,” and this profoundly spiritual work contains plenty of both. A 25-year veteran virtuoso of the harp, Stivell turns his focus to songs of “world consciousness,” his reedy vocals abetted by a diverse cross section of artists including Youssou N’Dour, Khaled, John Cale, and the Chieftains’ Paddy Moloney. The songs–sung in Gaelic, French, and English–of nationalism, unity with diversity, and individual freedom are stage set with kora, whistles, bombards, accordian, and the usual periphery of rock instruments, expertly and fittingly produced in places by Afro Celt Sound System’s Simon Emmerson and Martin Russell and also Pascale Le Berre–Pascal. One Earth is an intense and individualistic statement of great integrity. –Derek Rath
