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N'Faly Kouyaté

N’Faly Kouyaté plays finally in Brussels … home sweet home !

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N'Faly Kouyaté

N’Faly Kouyaté attendu à Marseille

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Afro Celt Sound System

Special Announcement! Afro Celt Sound System Returns in October!

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N'Faly Kouyaté

N’Faly Kouyaté Honoré à Kankan : Un Prix d’Excellence pour son Engagement Patriotique

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About ME

N'Faly Kouyaté is a complete artist. Sometimes an iconic singer, sometimes a convincing actor, sometimes a creative artistic director, virtuoso kora player or seasoned composer, he also works as a demanding vocal coach and sensitive music teacher.

Beyond that, he also works as a demanding vocal coach and sensitive music teacher, and is president of the Festival International de la Kora and chairman of the cultural section of the historical and cultural re-foundation of the Kingdom of Mandingue.

N'Faly Kouyaté has already toured the world several times with his music. In addition, two Grammy Award nominations, a gold disc and many other awards such as the Songlines Music Awards have crowned his artistic career.

N'Faly Kouyaté on Twitter

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